Generating a Fingerprint

The fingerprint identifies the computer the application runs on. See "Choosing the License Locking Criteria" for more about the what elements to include in the fingerprint. You can use these calls to generate the fingerprint of the host computer.

This section describes the prerequisites:

Include Libraries

Licensing library specific to your platform, including the dependent libraries specific to your environment.

Include Header File(s )


Declare Variables
VLSmachineID    machineID;
unsigned long   lock_selector_in= VLS_LOCK_ALL;
unsigned long   lock_selector_out=0;
unsigned long   lock_selector= VLS_LOCK_IP_ADDR;
char*           lockCode; /*allocate char buffer of 20 length*/
int             lockCodeLen=20;
API Calls



>VLSgetMachineID(lock_selector_in, &machineID, &lock_selector_out);

>VLSmachineIDToLockCodeEx(machineID, lock_selector, lockCode, lockCodeLen, 0);

To retrieve the old style (earlier than version 10) lock code value, you may use:

> VLSgetMachineIDOld
